good pizzaday

and on the mount, he spake onto them, and the words he spake were thus: ” go forth and consume pizza, eat of the world as ye too shall be ate. ” find ye the perfect pizza and eat it in remembrance of me.” so the followers and the wise of the city...

amor de la pizza

Hola amantes de la pizza, !Ahora esta su ocasisn para la accisn emocionante de la todo-pizza! Apenas venido abajo a la “Round Table Pizza” de Burbank en 12:15 P.M. este viernes. Habra mas pizza que usted puede sacudarir un palillo en. otra vez: BURBANK...

millions of pizzas

millions of pizzas pizzas for free* millions of pizzas pizzas for me** *almost free, $4.99 all-you-can-eat **not just me, you’re welcome too. in fact, your presence is greatly desired. round table pizza in sunny burbank, ca corner of victory & buena vista...

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