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Semi-Regular Randomly-infrequent dispatches on click-worthy entertainments, art, interesting facts & more!

Gold Book Cart

I've just discovered that there's such a thing as the Librarian Book Cart Drill Championships. where librarians "compete for the coveted gold book cart ...with elaborate dance, athletics and performance art routines." Now you know too.

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Interactive Music Video

An interactive music video for Soy Tu Aire where you control a constantly moving, beautifully animated "paintbrush" that produces more than simple brushstrokes. Have a go; it may be the most beautiful part of your day.

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Cardon Copy

Cardon Copy hijacks neighborhood fliers, redesigns & reposts them. If only it were as easily to redesign all of a city's visual blight. Good work, Mr. Cardon Webb.  See the collection of originals vs. redesigns here.

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1st White House Luau

I'm not sure how I missed this one, but President Obama hosted the first-ever White House luau a couple weeks ago. Fantastically awesome. I think everyone in the country could use a luau these days.

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Two great tastes…

Google Apps is out of beta (yes, really) "Beta" and "Google Apps" went together like chocolate & peanut butter. I'll kind of miss that little "beta" notice next to each Google App logo. Now, I guess, I'll have to assume that any curious application behavior is "by...

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Buff Monster’s Summer Party

For those in LA, Buff Monster's Summer Party is happening this Thursday at JapanLA. The street-artist-turned-fine-artist produces his signature work across a range of media & always puts on a good (gallery) show.

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Viva la Viral

It's nice to see that mash-ups are still going strong. Norwegian Recycling's 'Viva la Viral' {not necessarily my favorite resulting track, but a good example overall} Samples: 1. Coldplay - Viva La Vida 2. The Killers - When You Were...

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Thatch Tiki Bar Mug Party

Attn: citizens of Portland! Your local Thatch Tiki Bar is having a party to celebrate the release of their very own, custom tiki mug. Be there: July 1st, starting at 4 PM. More info here or the event's Facebook page

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