The Savage and the Sensuous Bongos

Don Ralke

Album cover of The Savage and the Sensuous Bongos by Don Ralke

Album Title: The Savage and the Sensuous Bongos

Artist(s): Don Ralke

Year: 1960

Genre(s)/Style(s): Exotica, Percussion, Other

Track Listing:

  1. Head Hunter
  2. Saoco
  3. Ju-Ju Man
  4. The Mystery of Yambuya
  5. Voodoo Priestess
  6. Face Beside the Fire
  7. Poison Dart
  8. Black Panther
  9. Zulu Magic
  10. Moon Goddess
  11. Ritual of the Cobra
  12. Sacrifice of the Maidens
  13. Safradesia
  14. Mombasa

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