Shadows Of Forgotten Ancestors

Miroslav Skorik

Album cover of Shadows Of Forgotten Ancestors by Miroslav Skorik

Album Title: Shadows Of Forgotten Ancestors

Artist(s): Miroslav Skorik


Genre(s)/Style(s): Exotica, Soundtrack, Other

Track Listing:

  1. The Carpathians, A Gutsul Land, Forgotten By God and People
  2. Funeral for a Brother & Murder of a Father
  3. “May God Send Plague Onto Them, and Death on Their Cattle!”
  4. Ivan & Marichka
  5. Growing Up In Love
  6. Dance/ “We’ll Never be Together”
  7. Going/ Meadow
  8. Star/ Hunt/ Marichka Falls
  9. “What a Horrible Death You Found”/ Deer at the Grave & Loneliness
  10. Religious Visions
  11. Rejuvenation
  12. Ivan & Palagna
  13. Ivan & Palagna: Wedding Ritual
  14. Workdays
  15. Christmas
  16. Tomorrow Is Spring: Palagna Practiced Sorcery
  17. Sorceror: “He’s God To Us. People Feared Him, Yet They Needed Him.”
  18. The Tavern/ Struck Down by the Sorceror’s Axe
  19. Ivan’s Death
  20. “Remember Me Ivanko, At Least Twice a Day. I Remember You Seven Times an Hour.”*
  21. Pieta
  22. Children’s Faces in the Window/ End

Note: Something off? Please submit any album corrections in the comments.

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