Sweet Sounds of Fiji

Bulikula Art Group

Album cover of Sweet Sounds of Fiji by Bulikula Art Group

Album Title: Sweet Sounds of Fiji

Artist(s): Bulikula Art Group

Year: 2011

Genre(s)/Style(s): Polynesian, Folk

Track Listing:

  1. Rogo Mai Na Kaei 4:06
  2. Ena Dela Ni Wai Siliva 4:52
  3. Savu Savu 3:28
  4. Isa Ko Suva 6:12
  5. Sau Madaga Na Manua 5:21
  6. Ko Bou Na Yanu Yanu 3:22
  7. Tavako 3:33
  8. Loma Loma 3:21
  9. Meda Dau Doka (N) Anthem 1:31
  10. Isa Lei 1:28

Note: Something off? Please submit any album corrections in the comments.

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