The Spooky Sound Sessions

Stereophonic Space Sound Unlimited

Album cover of The Spooky Sound Sessions by Stereophonic Space Sound Unlimited

Album Title: The Spooky Sound Sessions

Artist(s): Stereophonic Space Sound Unlimited


Genre(s)/Style(s): Other

Track Listing:

  1. Sitar Jerk
  2. Do The Lurk Around
  3. Robotheque
  4. The Whistler Returns
  5. Gilera Baby
  6. Record Shop
  7. Contract Killer
  8. la fille dans le train
  9. Re 307
  10. Action Scope
  11. November Morning
  12. Chicken Skin
  13. La Casa Gialla
  14. Sad City

Note: Something off? Please submit any album corrections in the comments.

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