Café Sputnik

Various Artists

Album cover of Café Sputnik by Various Artists

Album Title: Café Sputnik

Artist(s): Various Artists


Genre(s)/Style(s): Exotica, Lounge, Space-Age Pop, Novelty, Other

Track Listing:

  1. Tchaikovsky Beat
  2. Sea Cruise
  3. The Best Girl In The Ussr
  4. Folk Song
  5. Wind Of Freedom
  6. Morning On The Planet
  7. Gypsy Band Goes Up To The Sky
  8. Nursery Rhyme
  9. Polka
  10. In Three Hands
  11. No Name Rok ‘N Rol
  12. Cartoons
  13. Intim Service Cosmique
  14. A Little Bit Of Nothing
  15. Kyoto (Version )
  16. Russian Sailor’s Trip In Brazil
  17. Tanzania
  18. Softtransauto
  19. Let’s Ride A Carousel
  20. It’s Frosty Outside

Note: Something off? Please submit any album corrections in the comments.

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