Calypso Carnival

Various Artists

Album cover of Calypso Carnival by Various Artists

Album Title: Calypso Carnival

Artist(s): Various Artists


Genre(s)/Style(s): World, Other

Track Listing:

  1. Honey Man
  2. Victoria Market
  3. Small Island
  4. Better Woman Than You
  5. Union Street
  6. Ministre A Zaza
  7. Trinidad Blues
  8. Miss Emmalina
  9. Solas Market
  10. Chicken Gumbo And The Okra Water
  11. Shimmy Like A Lady
  12. Zombie Jamboree
  13. Choucounne
  14. Mama, Looka Boo Boo (Boo Boo Man) (BONUS TRACK)

Note: Something off? Please submit any album corrections in the comments.

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