
Various Artists

Album cover of Concussion by Various Artists

Album Title: Concussion

Artist(s): Various Artists

Year: 1958

Genre(s)/Style(s): Surf, Other

Track Listing:

  1. Concussion
  2. Downshiftin’
  3. Wild Side
  4. Nautiloid Reef
  5. Thunderin’ Guitar
  6. Easy Rhythm
  7. Congo Bongo
  8. Battle Of Blind Mice
  9. Trackin’
  10. Heart Attack
  11. Fearless
  12. Yukkum Yukkum
  13. Look Out
  14. Nautiloid Surf
  15. Stomper
  16. Tom Tom
  17. Road Block
  18. Endsville

Note: Something off? Please submit any album corrections in the comments.

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