Hawaiiana Melody

Siggi 'Hula' Gottschalk

Album cover of Hawaiiana Melody by Siggi 'Hula' Gottschalk

Album Title: Hawaiiana Melody

Artist(s): Siggi 'Hula' Gottschalk


Genre(s)/Style(s): Exotica, Hawaiian, Polynesian, Other

Track Listing:

  1. Sail Along Silv’ry Moon (Eine Reise Ins Glück)
  2. Sommerblau
  3. Frag Nie (Ma Vie)
  4. Hey Amigo, Muchas Gracias
  5. Perlenfischer
  6. Alo Ahé
  7. Jambalaya
  8. Du Weinst Um Mich (I Will Return)
  9. La Paloma
  10. Silver Moon Baby
  11. Skandal Um Rosy
  12. Hawaiiana Melody

Note: Something off? Please submit any album corrections in the comments.

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