Loungecore Favourites

Easy Project

Album cover of House of Loungecore by Easy Project

Album Title: Loungecore Favourites

Artist(s): Easy Project

Year: 1996

Genre(s)/Style(s): Lounge, Cocktail Music, Other

Track Listing:

  1. The Shake
  2. Kinda Kinky
  3. Mas Que Nada
  4. Lunar Walk
  5. Walk on the Wild Side
  6. It’s Murder
  7. Theme from Sam Benedict
  8. House of the Rising Sun
  9. Blue ‘N’ Groovy
  10. The Clown
  11. Echo Four-Two
  12. Mucho Mexico Seven-O
  13. On the Scene
  14. Staccato
  15. Ironside
  16. A Little Waltzin’
  17. Revenge
  18. But She Ran the Other Way
  19. Spiral
  20. Superfly

Note: Something off? Please submit any album corrections in the comments.

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