The Sounds 1963-1965

The Sounds

Album cover of The Sounds 1963-1965 by The Sounds

Album Title: The Sounds 1963-1965

Artist(s): The Sounds


Genre(s)/Style(s): Surf

Track Listing:

  1. Mandschurian Beat
  2. Emma
  3. Muurari
  4. Troikka
  5. Yksina¨inen Kitara
  6. Kulkuri
  7. Yo¨juoksu (Night Run)
  8. Kultaiset Korvaerenkaat
  9. Mustat Silma¨t
  10. Kalinka
  11. Katjusha
  12. Yksi Ainoa Ikkuna
  13. Illan Tullen
  14. Rakastan Sinua, Ela¨ma¨

Note: Something off? Please submit any album corrections in the comments.

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