Inca Taqui

Yma Sumac And Moises Vivanco

Album cover of Inca Taqui by Yma Sumac And Moises Vivanco

Album Title: Inca Taqui

Artist(s): Yma Sumac And Moises Vivanco


Genre(s)/Style(s): Exotica, Latin

Track Listing:

  1. K’arawi (Planting Song)
  2. Cumbe-Maita (Calls of the Andes)
  3. Wak’ai (Cry)
  4. Incacho (Royal Anthem)
  5. Chuncho (The Forest Creatures)
  6. Llulla Mak’ta (Andean Don Juan)
  7. Malaya! (My Destiny)
  8. Ripui (Farewell)

Note: Something off? Please submit any album corrections in the comments.

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