Lure of Tahiti

Terorotua And His Orchestra

Album cover of Lure of Tahiti by Terorotua And His Orchestra

Album Title: Lure of Tahiti

Artist(s): Terorotua And His Orchestra

Year: 1958

Genre(s)/Style(s): Polynesian

Track Listing:

  1. Tauiri Te Matai
  2. Vahine Taumotu
  3. Tehaupoo
  4. To To To E
  5. Punaruu
  6. Rupe Rupe
  7. Dechire
  8. On Descend De La Montagne
  9. Paoa
  10. Jo Jo
  11. Vini Vini
  12. Afta
  13. Elle Est Partie
  14. Tia Tia Moua
  15. Mauruuru-A-Vau

Note: Something off? Please submit any album corrections in the comments.

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