Regresan De La Tumba

Los Tiki Phantoms

Album cover of Regresan De La Tumba by Los Tiki Phantoms

Album Title: Regresan De La Tumba

Artist(s): Los Tiki Phantoms

Year: 2006

Genre(s)/Style(s): Surf, Other

Track Listing:

  1. Regresan De La Tumba 3:50
  2. Heavy Surfer 2:26
  3. Biarritz 3:05
  4. Mundaka 2:05
  5. El Pulpo 1:57
  6. Kilahuea 2:48
  7. Vulcan 2:27
  8. Spaguetti 2:42
  9. Satan’s 2:08
  10. Gutiki 2:10
  11. Ojos Verdes 2:48
  12. Kalifornia 3:32

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