Tiki A Go Go


Album cover of Tiki A Go Go by Surfaholics

Album Title: Tiki A Go Go

Artist(s): Surfaholics

Year: 1995

Genre(s)/Style(s): Surf

Track Listing:

  1. Ungowa
  2. Frankensurfer
  3. Big Rat Daddy
  4. Smells Like Surfana
  5. Mother’s Worry
  6. Swang 10
  7. Get Lost
  8. Toxic Beach
  9. Habla Deville
  10. Davinadagaga
  11. Another Cloudy Day
  12. Zombie Bolero
  13. Ghost of Dragster Beach
  14. Pedal to the Metal
  15. Dangerous Undertow

Note: Something off? Please submit any album corrections in the comments.

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