Voodoo Surf

Various Artists

Album cover of Voodoo Surf by Various Artists

Album Title: Voodoo Surf

Artist(s): Various Artists


Genre(s)/Style(s): Surf, Other

Track Listing:

  1. Surf Melody
  2. Vaquero-san
  3. French
  4. Psychos
  5. Immersion
  6. Picked Legs
  7. Tainted Love
  8. Keep Breathin’
  9. Sharks
  10. Man with the Scar
  11. Godzilla’s Dream
  12. Bustin’ Chainsaws
  13. Светит месяц
  14. Signal from Tremoluna Planet
  15. 36-24-36
  16. Lightning Rod
  17. Das Boot
  18. Breakers
  19. Mikkie Goes to School
  20. Suffer
  21. Neptune
  22. Messing with MotorChick
  23. Ghost Theme
  24. Хоровод
  25. Midnight Preacher

Note: Something off? Please submit any album corrections in the comments.

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