
Various Artists

Album cover of Xotic by Various Artists

Album Title: Xotic

Artist(s): Various Artists


Genre(s)/Style(s): Exotica, Lounge, Space-Age Pop, Surf, Jazz/Easy Listening

Track Listing:

  1. Martini Kings Nylon Jungle
  2. Los Kahunas Costa De La Muerte
  3. Tikiyaki Orchestra Exotique
  4. Waitiki Primativa
  5. Tipsy MrExcitement
  6. Tiki Tones Blood & Sand
  7. Tikiyaki Orchestra Crossing Kilauea
  8. Martini Kings Las Nuedas
  9. Four Piece Suit Shooting The Breeze
  10. Oranj Symphonette Experiment In Terror
  11. Tiki Tones Lava Flow
  12. Waitiki Voodoo Love
  13. Sad Salamanders The Exotic Sandy Warner
  14. The Blue Hawaiians Trouble Bay
  15. Tipsy Eclipse Of The Sun Virgin
  16. Oranj Symphonette The Magnificent Seven
  17. Blue Hawaiians Martini Five-O
  18. Tiki Tones Night Of The Tikis
  19. Los Kahunas Surfers Paradise
  20. Tipsy Xxxmas

Note: Something off? Please submit any album corrections in the comments.

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