Certain Songs Backwards

Back in the day there were these things called records.They were meant to be played "forwards" through a song, but many people tried spinning records backwards; believing they’d find hidden messages in reversed lyrics.Some (ahem) people TOTALLY freaked...

Supersized Meals

Just in time for your next snack…Nicky P. reminds us of the awe-inspiring site: SuperSizedMeals.com{ everything seems to be made in mike-sized portions… yum. }

Shoot Things

{ Tuesday afternoon shooting game fun }Defend your cannon from attackers in this simple & addictive game.

Mac Ads

Apple releases a new series of Mac ads that have all the freshness of the work they were doing… ahem… 4 years ago (with the whole "Switch" campaign). A sad day for Apple creatives.

Star Wars DVD

Hanttula.com author "Gish" is a man of mystery but also of great prognostication.Many months ago, when the re-edited Star Wars films were being released on DVD, Gish was asked if he’d purchase these films. His reply: "Certainly not,...

Dubya: The Movie

a link from Amy brings us…DUBYA: The Movie { with the only man who can play the role of the president… Don Knotts! }

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