American Edit

‘Dean Gray Tuesday’ is upon us… for one day only, the album "American Edit" is available for download { a mash-up tribute to Green Day’s "American Idiot" }

The Pope on Christmas

"Pope denounces materialism from balcony of marble, gold-domed building in midst of jewel-encrusted religious icons while wearing giant gold cross"

Whimsic Alley

I get that the Harry Potter series has been what some would refer to as "successful" — but, who knew it would have inspired enough stores to warrant a mini-mall of wizard-related goods? Meet Whimsic Alley.{ get it? Whimsic Alley? as in...

Light Show Causes Accident

The signal that Holiday Decor Tradegy Season 2005 has begun:$10,000 Homemade Light Display* Shut Down Because People** Actually Came to Watch It{ *mentioned on only days ago }{ **people who can’t drive, apparently }{ link from Matt K. }


For when you absolutely, positively don’t want to be productive at work: Ghostzilla{ a web browser that discreetly blends with any application so that web content looks like part of your work & not the web at all }

Fancy Parking

Perhaps I should start keeping a list of websites that prove that there is, in fact, "a website for EVERYTHING" Fancy Parking demonstrates the planning & methodology of people who park with the front of their car facing out. 

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