All-In-One Swiss Army

Finally, a Swiss Army Knife that has a tool for almost every emergency. It weighs in at a waif-like 2 lbs. and a petite 9-inches long, boasting 85 tools from the Swiss Army Line. If only Macgyver had one of these.

Slo-Mo Home Depot

ImprovEverywhere does their thing again: this time, sending 200 people into a Home Depot to start moving in slow-motion for 5 minutes while customers & employees move around them in "real time."

177 Versions of Pac-Man

I seem to be the only person that never really cared for Pac-Man, but for those who enjoy it…177 Online Versions of Pac-Man{ in German, but there are images to guide your selection } 

New York Changing

New York Changing is a rather brilliant collection of "yesterday & today" photos depicting what changes & what remains the same on various NY buildings across several decades.

Dice Wars

Prepare to waste your day away…Dice Wars: where roles of the dice determine your global power.


The most fun you’ll have this next five minutes…Goggles: The Google Maps Flight Simulator lets you pilot a plane over the satellite imagery of Google Maps

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