D.I.Y. Jackson Pollack

D.I.Y. Jackson Pollack{ create your own masterpiece in the style of Jackson Pollack; just move your mouse around & click for various colors. "showing the layperson again that, yes, making art is just this easy…"  ahem. }

Mixed-Tape 13

In music, Mercedes-Benz’s Mixed-Tape #13 is now available (for free download){ this time, it’s ALL about Acid Jazz, which isn’t my thing at all… but you might like it. }

Seamless Paintings visually transition from one world to another. Beautiful & semi-disturbing.

Banana Labels

I’m not one to talk, I mean I do have a Museum of Food Anomalies — but this woman has posted an unbelievably exhaustive collection of labels from bananas.

Domino House

Video of the "falling dominoes effect" using household items (instead of… well, dominoes). The trail runs through an entire home and includes some of the following items: CDs, videotapes, books, shampoo bottles and… toast!

MoFA on ‘The 9′

Hanttula.com’s MoFA has been listed on today’s "The 9" from Yahoo.Have a look at The 9 and, if you like the MoFA, please vote for me (at the bottom of The 9’s page)

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