

+ Deep

Semi-Regular Randomly-infrequent dispatches on click-worthy entertainments, art, interesting facts & more!

Surprising Expiration Dates

Real Simple presents a list of surprising expiration dates.{ who knew unopened marshmallows lasted 40 weeks? }{ only marginally-related, did you know that the marshmallow gets its name from the fact that this spongy treat used to be made from the root of the...

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Konfabulator 2

The fantastic Konfabulator { a Windows & Mac Widget program that lets you put all manner of graphically pleasing tools & displays right on your desktop } updates to version 2!{ and reduces it's price to $19.95 }

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Get to know the band Deerhoof.You'll like the title track from their new album, Milk Man{ yes, that's a link to an approved, free download of their track... so no excuses to avoid giving them a listen! }

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Common Tunes

CommonTunes offers downloads of freely available music, some from well-known artists like Bright Eyes or Ani Difranco, but my favorite is the ice-cream truck music.

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Batman Begins

I just saw Batman Begins and noticed that it's advertising does not use a tagline to further define the story. May I suggest "unbelievably, a franchise is saved." 

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