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Semi-Regular Randomly-infrequent dispatches on click-worthy entertainments, art, interesting facts & more!

Instant Zombie T-Shirt

Since the previous post got me thinking about zombies, I realize that some people would rather try to blend in with the teeming hordes of the undead rather than fight them. If that's the case for you, might I recommend the instant zombie t-shirt?

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Bedside Table Home Defense

James McAdam's "Safe Bedside Table" offers defensive & offensive weaponry within arm's reach. How surprised would an intruder be to creep into a bedroom and find the occupant wielding not only a club, but a thick shield as well? Answer: very surprised. Of course,...

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Faux Pool Art

Artist Leandro Erlich's 1999 piece "Swimming Pool" has been making the rounds on the Internet with its beautiful, immersive viewing experience. Be amazed, then check out his many other works -- all rather astounding. Update! Here's some video of the "pool" in...

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TikiBar! iPhone Game

Another reason in the long line of reasons to have an iPhone — the TikiBar! iPhone game puts you behind the bar, challenging you to create these complex cocktails before the clock runs out.

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Useless Fliers

Useless Fliers presents amazing fliers that you can print & post. {naturally, this begs the question as to whether or not the fliers are truly useless, given the level of entertainment & potential intrigue they will provide... but think on that another day....

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