How Rocks Stars Have Aged

How Rock Stars Have Aged shows how 59 musicians have changed over time.  Moreover, the gallery includes some performers that have defied the laws of nature — continuing to exist despite what they’ve done to their bodies & brains. Yeah, I’m looking at...

How to Celebrate a Goal

Iceland schools the world on how to celebrate a goal in football (and/or soccer, depending on where you live): httpvh://

Bookshelf Porn

Don’t fret, it’s not naughty. Bookshelf Porn is a collection of great photos of amazing bookshelves. For those of us that love books, it’s a documentary of dreamy visual wonderland.

‘End of History’ Beer

If you’re going to charge between $775 and $1100 for a bottle of world’s highest alcohol content beer, I guess it has to come in the hollowed our carcass of a dead critter. Meet the End of History brew. { In other news, Pabst Blue Ribbon sells for...

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