Dare Video

Check out "Dare" the second video from the second Gorillaz album "Demon Days".  Not as good as the Miyazaki inspired "Feelgood, Inc" – but still entertaining.

Rapture Ready

Are we "Rapture Ready"?  The only way to be sure is to check out this on-line, end times reference chart.

Eat Hufu

Have you been bothered lately by those pesky cravings for human flesh?  Then try Hufu, the Healthy Human Flesh alternative.  Apparently actual faux-flesh is on back order at the moment, but stay tuned for what we hope is a major culinary movement.

Little Marcy sings for you!

Apparently, back in the day, they used to make "records" featuring the voice of a Little Marcy, a singing Christian doll.  Enjoy these sound files and travel back in time! {My personal favorite?  "Devil Devil Go Away"}

Zombie Hate Hobbit!

Have you ever run across the Society for Creative Anachronisms?  They dress up in medieval garb and stage mock battles, beating each other with foam-wrapped "swords".  Well, apparently a group of students in Montreal got fed up with their local...

God Bless us all…

It’s been a long time since I posted, but then again, it’s been a long time since something truly moved me like this. I just had to share it with all of you…


For the record, this is what a tasmanian devil really sounds like.

Missing in Action Figure

This is too funny… A military action figure is apparently being held hostage – and is in danger of beheading. I knew Ken was taking the whole Barbie breakup hard – but I had no idea he had R-U-N-N-O-F-T to the Army, and changed his name to...

The Tape

Somebody please watch this. If only to make sure I don’t die in seven days.

Lego my Batman!

Remember that cool Lego stop-motion short that came out to promote Spider-Man 2? Well, some animation students took that as inspiration for their own project: Batman: New Times! From what I can tell, it is an in-class project, not just more corporate tomfoolery. And...

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