Cory Doctorow

You should all know who Cory Doctorow is… A brilliant Canadian science and science fiction writer based in San Francisco, he has one novel published “Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom” and one recently published short story collection “A Place...

Leonardo My Love

Maybe this is cute. I dunno. To me a child writing love poems to a cartoon character… (or to a sweaty freak in a turtle costume, for that matter)… is a wee bit creepy. When this kid starts keeping dead box turtles in his underwear and claiming they talk to...

Literal branding

Mindfield Media is a company that is offering free website hosting for the lifetime of their company.. BUT… You knew there was a “but” there somewhere. There’s always a “but”. Nothing in life is free. In exchange for this service,...


MATURE CONTENT WARNING! Do you find the Apocalypse as recounted by St. John the Divine, somehow “off-putting”? Fear not, gentle readers! For now the end of the world is rendered in simple easy to understand faux japanimation style! Behold the wonder of...

Tiger attacks

I’m all for pets… but this… is ridiculous. It does however raise a larger question: are tiger attacks the new trend? And if so, where do I sign up?

Retro Halloween Costumes

Remember those old-timey Halloween costumes? They never quite fit your little face, so you ended up with a bad case of P.T.O.T.T.S.D * – which usually manifested itself as patches of flesh rubbed off your cheekbones and nose? Ah…. Good times. (* Post Trick...


Loyal readers, you may not know this… but we at have been known to… shall we say, show an appreciation for the tipple. Bearing that in mind this flask shaped bar aid would be a fantastic Christmas present for your favorite

Kool Klocks

A short film… FADE IN EXT. VACANT LOT – DAY BAZOOKA JOE, a timeless prankster with an eyepatch, leans over a RANDOM HOMELESS LUNATIC, waking him from his rummy slumber. Bazooka Joe: “Why did the man throw the clock out the window?”...

Worst Jobs in Science

Think you’re having a crappy day? Well rest assured that somewhere, SOMEONE is having a worse one. Don’t believe me? Well, take a look at the worst jobs in science.


Meet Mr. President Doctor Steve Elvis America, the star of “The Terrible Cosmic Death”… An excellent little film by the Kansas City design firm MK12. Just clicky on “Man of Action” and enjoy!

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