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Semi-Regular Randomly-infrequent dispatches on click-worthy entertainments, art, interesting facts & more!


Ah, the giftcard. America's latest attempt at thoughtless convenience for holiday shopping. Unfortunately, not everyone wants to buy their coffee from Starbuck's, their books from Barnes & Noble or their home decor from Pottery Barn. Enter, the site that...

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Tributes From Bono

This will amuse anyone that thinks U2's Bono has become nothing more than a bloated, waxwork, sell-out parody of his former self. {And that Joe Strummer died for our sins.}

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Yes, I'm pilfering from Boingboing once again. But this is too good to pass up. It's like a Seinfeld episode in the flesh. If I had the dough, I'd buy a franchise for Cereality. {And here's a news article that better explains the concept.}

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Grey Video

You've heard the DJ Dangermouse's Grey Album, now you can see the Grey Video. For sounds from the more obscure side, check out BeetleSounds: a CD containing "30 Unbelievable Tracks of Vintage Beetle Sounds!" { no, I believe it. }

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Muggs Mash-Up Radio

I caught DJ Muggs last night spinning some serious mash-up; around the same time I discovered that there is such a thing as too much mash-up... but, what else would you expect from the man of Mash-Up Radio? { their current top 5 include tracks mixing Johnny Cash vs....

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A Gift for Me

If you're looking to get the "perfect gift" for your favorite author, might I suggest this little trinket. { No, I'm serious, please buy it for me. Seriously. }

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