

+ Deep

Semi-Regular Randomly-infrequent dispatches on click-worthy entertainments, art, interesting facts & more!

iXi Bike

Introducing the iXi Bike: a compact, sleek ride that loses the greasy bike chain, is collapsible for storing at work on in a cramped apartment and has graphically-pleasing style. Oh la la. { but, starting at $1100, it's certain that my feet will not grace its pedals...

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Designers without Borders

The name "Designers Without Borders" had me excitedly thinking that I could use my design skills for some greater good, but I can barely make sense of the website, let alone the proposed projects.

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Seven Seats

Subaru, in promoting a new vehicle, challenges filmmakers to create a 30 second movie "promoting the idea that a seven passenger cross-over utility vehicle will be introduced by Subaru. And make it so great that people will forward it to everyone they know."...

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SwankSigns dedicated to the art of mocking public works. { a second look at various public works, safety & informational signs from around the world. }

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NaNoWriMo 2004

Just 8 days left for those participating in this year's NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month): where participants aim to each complete a novel in the span of a month. { If you have yet to start, you can probably still make LoNoWriWe (Local Novel Writing Week). }

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Books by Color

For one week, Adobe Books (in San Francisco) had their books arranged by the color of their covers. { if anyone knows of better photo-documentation of this event, please let me know. }

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Fingerprint is Your Password

Wow: "Tired of passwords? Replace them with your fingerprint." { the technology has been around for awhile (my brother has had a print reader for years), but it's impressive to see that it's so close to becoming mainstream. }

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Wall Art

semi-personalized wall art: - from foldbedding comes the Wallter series of paintable 3D "wall applications" in starbursts, circles, squares and retro slats. - from RRSK comes FLATS { your image combined with their process/colors/printing to become "furniture for your...

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Dating Old Photographs

Have a stack of snaps from your family's past but can't quite place the date? Try reviewing this handy guide to Dating Old Photographs { for photos taken between 1840-1929 } { in other news, if you have a photo from 1840... you might want to inform your local photo...

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Bush Bashing

Some viewer mail: "What the hell is going on with It's becoming all religon and politics: jews, virgins, apologies. Thank God.... I mean Thankfully there's the filter trick and freaky animals otherwise it will be come (sic) your home for...

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Oy gevalt!

As we prepare for the annual visit of Hannukah Harry, perhaps it's time for my fellow goyim to sit down and watch this brief yiddish tutorial.

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