

+ Deep

Semi-Regular Randomly-infrequent dispatches on click-worthy entertainments, art, interesting facts & more!

Liquidating Your Life

Sometimes you just want to get away for awhile, sometimes you want to get away for good. If the latter is your current case, read the Guide to Liquidating Your Life for tips on everything from how to sell-off your belongings to how to cast-off your friends.

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Zombie Shooter

Sometimes you just want to start your Friday by killing a graveyard-full of Zombies. If that's how you're feeling today, I recommend the simple & satisfying: Zombie Shooter.

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Mixed Tape 3

Mercedes-Benz keeps free music flowing with Mixed Tape #3: a 16-track compilation that provides an interesting mix of pop, jazz, drum & bass, electronic and classical music. { get it while you can as #4 is set for release on the 24th }

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Ad Awards

My long-lost amigo Brett hits us with a site for the International Ad Awards: displaying some of the world's greatest TV ads in a smooth & streamlined presentation. { welcome back Brett }

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Everyone Else…

"Everyone else has had more sex than me" cried the bunny. Don't worry, other than the sentiment, this animated music video is rated G.

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Welcome to the... HALLOWEEN PHENOMETHON of LINKS Pinstuck: Online Cursing System { send a voodoo curse to people on your nasty list }* Candy Toss { fun Flash game of flinging candy to the trick-or-treaters } Chainsaw the Children { they run, run, run as...

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Airline Safety

Ever notice how no one really listens to the airline safety demonstrations anymore? Well, if they played this movie instead, you'd be damn-sure people would be following right along.

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Bug-Me-Not, My New Fav

Get ready to boomark your new favorite site: Bug Me Not offers log-in information to thousands of websites that usually require you to register before allowing entry. Be one of the happy people that can now "Bypass Compulsory Web Registration" with

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